
cultural tour

Hattusa city walls in Turkey
The Hittites occupied the region of Anatolia (also known as Asia Minor, and is now modern-day Turkey) prior to 1700 BCE. It is well thought that they developed a culture from the indigenous Hatti people.
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American South West Tours
Droughts of just five or ten years were enough to prompt major shifts in the small niches where Pueblo people grew maize, their major crop.
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Travel Ireland
Co. Clare Cave is the site of a remarkable archaeological discovery!  And now the date of human existence in Ireland has been pushed back 2,500 years! What does this mean?  A rewriting of Irish archaeology and a new chapter in the human colonization of the island. What did they find?  Radiocarbon dating of a butchered...
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Trips Around Ireland
“In Gaelic myth, Ériu, Banbha and Fódla were three goddesses who greeted the Milesians upon their arrival in Ireland, and who granted them custody of the island. Ériu is generally believed to have been the matron goddess of Ireland, a goddess of sovereignty, or simply a goddess of the land. The origin of Ériu has been...
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Petra Jordan treasury Far Horizons tour
Far Horizon Archaeological and Cultural Tours journeys to The Royal Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, a land that has preserved a remarkable character unlike any other in the Near East, with three  full days exploring Petra. Ruled by King Abdullah, the people have an unparalleled reputation for hospitality, from the office worker in the city to the...
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