Our worldwide tours are designed to immerse our travelers in an experience for learning about new people and cultures. Our PhD academics are picked for their expertise in a given area and for their congeniality as traveling companions. This is a vacation after all!
Please click on each scholar’s picture for a detailed biography and to see what upcoming trips he or she is leading.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Professor of Religion,
Boston University
Swansea University in Wales
Renowned specialist on the Medieval Period
La Trobe University in Melbourne Australia
PhD in Archaeology
California State University, San Bernardino
Department of Anthropology
Egyptology with specialty in Nubian Civilization
University of Notre Dame
Medieval and Roman History
Middlebury College
Department of History of Art & Architecture
Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, George Washington University
University of Chicago
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
University of Maine
Department of Anthropology
University of California Riverside
Department of Archaeology
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Director of the Program in Medieval Studies
Varna Regional Museum of History
University of Illinois at Chicago
Greek and Roman Art & Archaeology
University of York
Department of Archaeology