
Egypt & Africa

Join Far Horizons for our exploration of the history and culture of Tunisia, a country we visit on our epic 16-day Wonders of Tunisia tour.
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Temple of Amun at Jebel Barkal
Located in modern-day Sudan, the Temple of Amun is a testament to ancient Egypt's rich history and religious traditions.
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Sudan is an utterly fascinating destination for those passionate about history and archaeology.
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Herodotus said it 2,500 years ago, Egypt is the gift of the Nile.
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Battle of Kadesh Majesty of Egypt Far Horizons Tour
The oldest international peace treaty was between the Egyptians and the Hittites?
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Meskel Parade Addis Ethiopia
A post-trip interview on Ethiopia with tour managers, Kelly Bryson and Heather Stoeckley Welcome to this post-trip interview with the tour managers behind our Ethiopia Tour: The Wonders of the Horn of Africa. Our experiences often last over two weeks and can be a large investment in both time and money, which is why we...
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Egyptian Dahabiya tour cruise on Nile
Herodotus said it 2,500 years ago: “Egypt is the gift of the Nile” – and what a gift it is – a narrow strip of cultivatable land teased from the barren expanse of desert that is home to one of the greatest civilizations the world has ever known. From the Sudan to the Mediterranean, the...
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archaeology tour Petra Jordan tour
The Lost and Found City of Petra Literally carved directly into vibrant red, white, pink, and sandstone cliff faces, the prehistoric Jordanian city of Petra was “lost” to the Western world for hundreds of years.  Located amid rugged desert canyons and mountains in what is now the southwestern corner of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,...
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Professor Bob Brier is not only one of the nation’s leading Egyptologists, but a brilliant lecturer and renowned storyteller. Patricia Remler is an author, photographer, & art historian. She’s the author of Egyptian Mythology A – Z. “As I have told every single person who has inquired about the trip since our return, I cannot imagine going to...
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The Omo Valley of southern Ethiopia is one of the last undiscovered places in the world. Three of Ethiopia’s eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites are found here and more than 200,000 people representing many different ethnic groups call the area home. Here you will meet people from local tribes, including the Dorze, Mursi and Hamer. The...
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